Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gaming is More than Left Handed Mouses

By Kristi Walls

Gamers often have impressive skills operating left handed mouses, but there's quite a bit more to this online community than that. There is obviously something to the online gaming phenomenon, as millions of players compete in hugely popular role playing games such as World of Warcraft and EverQuest and a wide variety of other MMORPGs (Massive MultiPlayer Online Role Playing Games). Some people take gaming very seriously. There are those who only play occasionally. What kind of gamer do you want to be? Sure, you want to have fun gaming, but where do you start? If you want to improve your gaming skills, this article will give you some ideas.

Have the right equipment. If you're really not all "that" into it, and only play once in a while, then it's not so terribly important. You can take your mouse and change the buttons over. But you should think about what you plan to do, and getting a quality left-handed mouse would be advised for EverQuest, World of Warcraft, etc. No one likes getting wiped when they game; so that's just another excellent thought to keep in mind. Also, it doesn't have to be gold-plated; you can find great deals almost anywhere.

Avoid being overly competitive. There is an appreciation for humility with your playing amongst others. Just be cool if another player isn't as good as you with something. You will lose at some games, even if you're good, so take it well and avoid upset. The best approach is to accept it and say a, "Congratulations!," to your opponent. Accept that you have been defeated and try to figure out what you can do to keep it from happening again. In time people will grow to like you there, and it'll be a good thing.

Beyond all else, you should not forget to have fun with it. Entertainment is the main focus of these games. These games are not a substitute for true life. If you find that you are taking the game too seriously or that you are getting too wrapped up in it, step away from the left handed mouses and keyboard and do something else for a while. Play a different game or leave your computer entirely for a few hours. If you are not having fun anymore those you play with probably aren't either.

There's never anything wrong with asking for advice from others. Sure, if you're using the lefty mouse and shortcuts it can be a little dicey. When you're meeting people, try asking others if they're left or right-handed, and if you find someone who is left-handed maybe ask them if they can help you. Even if you have good control over your mouse and keyboard, it can't hurt to ask long time players for their advice on how to have a better time in the game's universe. People can be predictable in some ways because you will discover they love helping other people, usually. When you're no longer a n00b, you will do the same to others and help them. Online gaming is meant to be a fun way to pass the time. Now it exists a separate and huge online community, and they're serious and welcoming to new members. Of course, fun is still at the top of the list. We can say, though, that your ability to have the most amount of fun will depend on your gear (think left handed mouse) and other important factors. But no matter what... it's still all just supposed to be fun with good people.

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