Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why Is My Computer So Slow? Here's What to Do

By Myke Longo

So your computer isn't running at top speed? The good news is you can definitely speed it up yourself as long as you know what to do!

There are lots of things you can do to get your computer running as fast as possible for as long as possible! Without writing any unnecessary fluff, let's dive right into what's most likely slowing down your computer.

Slow Start up? - If your computer takes longer then you'd like to boot up and you often wonder, "Why is my computer so slow?", during startup, chances are there might be some unnecessary programs or services that are set to run as soon as your computer first starts up. Programs and services can automatically be set to boot up with your computer at any time, so it's a good idea to monitor the list of startup programs from time to time.

To do this using Microsoft Windows, the simplest way is to use the keyboard shortcut (Win Key + R) to open the Run window. Type in "msconfig" and hit enter to launch the system configuration window and select the (Startup) tab at the top. Uncheck all programs and services in this list that you don't need to start up with your computer. Doing so will not uninstall the program or service from your computer, but only prevent it from starting up with your computer. You can then launch the program or service once your computer fully boots up.

Can't Run Multiple Programs At Once? - If you find that your computer can't handle multiple high memory programs open at the same time, one of the best things you should do is upgrade the RAM (random access memory) right away. Upgrading the RAM is one of the most common ways to speed up any slow computer. Since no real data is ever permanently stored on RAM, you can throw away your old RAM stick and simply pop in another one. Anytime I see someone scratching their head asking aloud, "Why is my computer so slow?", I'll almost always recommend upgrading the RAM.

One of the easiest hardware upgrades or replacements by far is the RAM. If your system setup can handle more RAM, go FOR IT! Whether you're using a laptop or desktop computer, replacing the RAM is possible even for the most novice computer user. The more RAM your computer is holding, the faster and more powerful your computer will be, and the more programs you can run at once without your system crashing.

Is Your PC Infected with Malware? - You may not be aware of all the hidden malware that could be slowing down your computer right now, unless you have a quality security software. Most computer security software is classified in two categories; antivirus and internet security. Since most computers are connected to the internet, you'll want a internet security program that can automatically scan your computer for malware threats weekly or monthly. This way once you install security software and set up a automatic full system scan, you can forget about it and only launch the program when it requires your attention.

Easy Maintenance Tasks - Some easy maintenance tasks that are required to maintain a fast computer include removing unnecessary programs, eliminating start up programs and services, freeing up extra memory, deleting temporary files, organizing your files and protecting your computer from malicious malware that can slow down your computer.

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