Friday, February 1, 2013

Eight Things an Android mobile phone is able to do that the iPhone cannot!

By May Tullie

The controversy between Android and iPhone has grown to be as worn and dull as the debate between Microsoft Windows and OS X. Then again, as Android enthusiasts we thought we'd create a detailed list on 8 items that an Android phone is able to do that an iPhone cannot.

1. Openness: The Android operating-system is open source and backed by Google. This gives application developers and also smartphone manufacturers total freedom to tweak and customize the source as they wish. This makes it possible for them to build exciting, innovative new applications. There is no limit to what a developer or smartphone maker is able to do with Android.

2. Tight Integration With Google Applications: Despite the fact that we are unable to refute that Google's scatter gun method of developing web apps and services leaves all of us dazed and confused, there are several invaluable tools at our disposal such as Transliteration, Google Books, Google Scribe, Walky Talky and the ever nerdy Sky Map. One application that may likely never make it to the iPhone is the Google Maps Navigation. These applications are free of charge and function flawlessly on virtually any Android smartphone.

3.Personalized To You: With the iPhone it's possible to have any screen setup you'd like provided that it is organized within a 4 column grid. Doesn't sound very user friendly, does it? Android enables you to individualize ones experience with widgets and arrange the dashboard as you desire. Widgets may consist of a collection of applications and expand when selected.

4. Battery Saving: Android possesses among the best power conservation functions in the smartphone industry built directly in to the operating system. You don't have to acquire extra apps, the unit optimizes battery life in the background.

5. Connections: In contrast to the iPhone you aren't dependent on your iTunes account and may plug and use on any computer. This freedom makes any Android smartphone the ultimate in flexibility.

6. The Kill Switch: At a click of a button, Google can distribute a signal to all the Android smartphones and tablets to kill any rogue programs. This keeps your phone safe at all times and you can now rest assured knowing that Google is on your side.

7. Flash Player: Apple Inc. is anti-Flash, we realize that. However, how about the millions of people that have to be inconvenienced as a consequence of Apple Inc's whims? Android doesn't place any restrictions around the sort of media you can and can't view.

8. Security: Android is an open source platform. This means that there are a countless number of programmers reviewing the bits continually. If you leverage the power of the crowd like this, security flaws are identified and repaired fast. Even greater, Google Android can repair itself automatically and not need to be wired to iTunes.

These are merely 8 things that we believe an Android smartphone can do that an iPhone can't. How many other ways do you know of that makes the Android smartphone or tablet superior?

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