Sunday, March 18, 2012

Producing RIFT Platinum by Using Mining

By Syble Smugala

I write this article in purpose of giving the basic explanation of the new massively multi-player online role playing game. Before you can play the game, you will have to buy it. You can buy the game from the official web site or you can buy it from the Amazon. RIFT is a new game developed by Triton Sides. It is the same style of game as the ever popular World of Warcraft.

You can probably make tons of extra platinum when there is a high demand of it. You can also gather plants and wood. The apothecaries and artificers will need the actual plants and wood. You can sell the plants to them. There are a lot of mages and clerics looking for such materials to make foraging lucrative. If they forged the materials they can sell them for more RIFT platinum.

Among the easiest ways to make platinum is making sure your bags are empty. When you are doing quests or participating activities, you may pick up some items dropped by the monsters. For several times, I have to destroy the green quest rewards because I have no room for the better items.

So you can see how important the bags are. They can hold all the items for you. Then you can sell the items for gold.

This game has some unique twist which has never been seen in a game. The whole game is based on the world of Telara. You will get into the back story without spending enough time. You can read the whole back story on the official rift website. The player characters are spirits raised from the dead to combat the great dragon lord. Players can equip their character with the callings. They can choose one of the four callings-warrior, cleric, mage and rogue.

These classes can be getting into subclasses. There are two interesting parts within RIFT-the rifts and the dynamic layered world. In the mass world of rift players will need to protect them carefully. Once they are usually killed by the dragon, they will need RIFT plat to get revived. Some of the game players are lack of RIFT plat. They are willing to buy RIFT platinum sometimes.

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