Sunday, January 8, 2012

Be Trendy With Mobile Blogging

By Richard Horowitz

The hottest new item in the world of blogging is undoubtedly mobile blogging. The object of blogging to begin with is for people to be able to post interesting material and update it frequently. Mobile blogging goes the next step, and allows posters to publish information the moment it happens. Moblogs and mobloggers flood the internet with fresh information about events that might still be unfolding, and make that information available for anyone in the world.

Until this new trend set root, many felt that blogging about events was somewhat limited if one was away from the computer. When something blog-worthy happened, one would have to run home and boot up the computer before being able to report it, and that would take time. But, with the new trend of mobile blogging, this problem is over, as bloggers can post content immediately, no matter what their location is. Moblogging makes blogging possible just about anywhere around the world.

Mobile blogging is a new thing, since the technical equipment to make it happen has only just recently hit the market. In reality, the first moblog technology first appeared about a decade ago, but until the last two to three years it was not user-friendly enough to attract a lot of people.

Moblogging is become more and more popular by the day, and especially the last few months it has really attracted attention. It is hard to tell if moblogging will eventually replace traditional blogging, but considering how widespread it is becoming, it is safe to assume it is not going anywhere any time soon.

With the advent of more sophisticated mobile technology, bloggers are now able to post content and photos immediately when something happens. Just to make an example, coverage of a presidential speech or of an important moment in the world series can take place the moment these events unfold, from location. This allows bloggers to divulge information in a way that will involve the public and make them feel as if they are there. The advantages of mobility and personal control allow mobloggers to be included into a new elite class that will continue growing in the years to come.

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